NS0-304 Test Torrent, Cheap NS0-304 Dumps

NS0-304 Test Torrent, Cheap NS0-304 Dumps

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Network Appliance NS0-304 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Configuration: This exam designed for IT professionals in this domain focuses on practical skills in provisioning and placing resources, as well as data migration techniques in a hybrid cloud setup.
Topic 2
  • Monitor and Troubleshoot: The final domain deals with essential operational skills, including setting up monitoring, alerting, and reporting systems for hybrid cloud infrastructures, as well as troubleshooting techniques.
Topic 3
  • Hybrid Cloud Concepts: This section covers fundamental knowledge of hybrid cloud, including networking aspects, various consumption models, and the overall hybrid cloud environment.
Topic 4
  • Secure and Protect: This critical domain covers various security aspects, including Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies, access permissions, compliance requirements, security policies, and data protection solutions specific to hybrid cloud environments.
Topic 5
  • Automate: The automation section tests the knowledge of hybrid cloud professionals to address common workflows and the use of system templates to streamline operations in hybrid cloud environments.

Network Appliance Hybrid Cloud - Administrator Exam Sample Questions (Q130-Q135):

You are setting up a Cloud Volumes ONTAP HA on AWS.
In this scenario, which high availability method is used for the data?

  • A. Data is synchronously mirrored between both nodes.
  • B. Volume Snapshot copies are replicated between both nodes.
  • C. Both nodes connect to a shared pool of S3 storage.
  • D. Both nodes connect to a shared pool of mirrored EBS disks.

Answer: A

Your company has purchased a NetApp HCI. You are asked to deploy HA file services out of the NetApp HCI system.
Which two actions accomplish this task? (Choose two.)

  • A. Use ONTAP Select Deploy.
  • B. Provide an ONTAP Select license file.
  • C. Select "Yes, I want to enable File Services" on the NetApp Deployment Engine.
  • D. Provide an ONTAP cluster base license key.

Answer: A,B

You need to deploy OnCommand Cloud Manager so that you can use a Cloud Volumes ONTAP instance in you? AWS public cloud infrastructure.
You want to be able to manage the SnapMirror relationship between your local engineered NetApp storage solution and the Cloud Volumes ONTAP instance. You have a direct connect network between your local network and your AWS VPC.
In this scenario, in which two locations would you deploy OnCommand Cloud Manager? (Choose two.)

  • A. on a Windows host that is deployed locally to your private network
  • B. on an instance in your AWS VPC
  • C. on a Linux host that is deployed locally to your private network
  • D. on an instance in your Azure resource group

Answer: A,D

An administrator has two Kubernetes clusters: one uses GKE, and the other uses AKS. The administrator wants to migrate from Google to Azure. The migration must be application aware and move all components and data for the application.
Which product should the administrator use?

  • A. Astra Control Service
  • B. BlueXP Copy and Sync
  • C. Cloud Backup Service
  • D. SnapMirror

Answer: A

For migrating applications between Kubernetes clusters-specifically from Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)-and ensuring that all components and data are moved in an application-aware manner, the best product to use is Astra Control Service. Here's why:
* Application-Aware Migration:Astra Control Service is designed to manage, protect, and move applications in Kubernetes environments. It understands the structure of Kubernetes applications and can manage the entire lifecycle, including migration of application data along with its configuration and state.
* Cross-Platform Capability:Astra Control Service supports multiple Kubernetes platforms, making it suitable for migrations from GKE to AKS. It ensures that all parts of the Kubernetes application, including persistent volumes and configurations, are consistently replicated to the new environment.
* Seamless Migration Process:The service automates much of the migration process, reducing the complexity and potential for error when moving applications between different cloud providers or Kubernetes services.
For more detailed guidance on using Astra Control Service for Kubernetes migrations, refer to the NetApp documentation: NetApp Astra Control Service Documentation.

An administrator needs to provision block storage on an AWS FSx for NetApp ONTAP instance for a Linux server. Which protocol should be used?

  • A. iSCSI
  • B. NVMe-oF
  • C. InfiniBand
  • D. FCP

Answer: A

For provisioning block storage on an AWS FSx for NetApp ONTAP instance for a Linux server, the most suitable protocol is iSCSI. Here's why:
* iSCSI Compatibility:iSCSI is widely supported across various operating systems, including Linux, and is ideal for provisioning block storage. It allows the Linux server to access storage volumes over a TCP/IP network, simulating local block storage.
* Configuration Steps:To set this up, configure the FSx for NetApp ONTAP instance to provide iSCSI LUNs (Logical Unit Numbers). This involves creating an iSCSI target and associating it with the LUNs that the Linux server will access.
* Connect from Linux Server:On the Linux server, set up the iSCSI initiator to connect to the iSCSI target on the FSx instance. This usually involves installing iSCSI utilities and configuring the initiator to establish and maintain the iSCSI session.
For a comprehensive guide on setting up iSCSI with FSx for NetApp ONTAP and Linux, please refer to the AWS documentation:AWS FSx for NetApp ONTAP Documentation.


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